The World is in the middle of a deep Economic depression and people have little money for toys .
The purchase price of many boats has fallen to the point where smaller sailboats in the 20 to 30 foot range , in perfectly good and sound ( but a little worn ) order can be bought for little more than the cost of a minor quick refurb + one years standard outgoings on them .
Catamarans are a boat that appeal to limited numbers of sailors because they are stubborn pigs to tack and dont like confined waters AND worst of all will NOT lay quiet and still in the least little swells , sick-making and very tiring . AND the cabin space is small .
I'd suggest you search the boat type online and see what the few others around are selling for , and then bite the bullet and price yours in the low end of the range with a thousand off for a quick purchaser .
Failing any interest THEN , you have two options , the criminal route = catastrophic fire and insurance claim , or sell it at auction for whatever you can get and save at least the future outgoings .
Either way unless the boat is in very nice condition I think your 30,000 is probably irrecoverable .
Boats are not like houses , they are very bad when treated as investment vehicles . ( Except maybe for some few " Houseboats " )
The old view is that you buy a hole in the water made of wood , GRP or steel , and then throw all your money down the hole for evermore .
Sorry , but there is no use in telling you other than the brutal truth .
She'd be worth more ( maybe ) if you took a chainsaw and cut everything 2 feet above the water off and threw it away and then built a raft on top and put a wooden cabin chalet on that , and tied her permanently to a dock .