2012-11-25 14:37:16 UTC
I recently took out my boat(glasstron) for a spin and was towing someone on a tube. To note it was a little harder to get it up on a plane than expected that day. When we stopped and turned off the engine, we loaded someone on the tube and tried to start the engine. It turned over and revved but did not drive in any direction. This is a boat that needs the use of throttling to start the engine (maybe I throttled too much??).
It was taken into the mechanic and the diagnosis came back that the boat had a failed engine coupler. How could this have happened? and is this just a part that needs to be replaced on a boat occasionally or could it have been something we did in starting the boat?
I am very grateful for anyone that could help me understand what could have gone wrong and enlighten me on how often engine couplers should be replaced on a boat. Thank you!